Tuesday 12 February 2013

A Lesson For Teachers

A Lesson For Teachers

"The teachers place in society is of vital importance. He acts as the pivot for the transmission of intellectual traditions and technical skills from generation to generation and helps to keep the lamp of civilization burning" --
                                                                            Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

Teachers are second mothers.They are responsible for moulding the personality of students.They impart education as well moral values.They are role models for students.How should they be?

I have seen different kinds of teachers in my life.Some of them took this profession because they wanted  to,some others became teachers by chance.A teacher should  have interest in his/her own profession and should know the importance of their profession.

Teachers can cultivate interest among students towards various subjects.But how can they do this?Taking class continuously for hours together will not help them gain students attention.Its heard that a normal person can concentrate continuously for 20 minutes only.Teacher should have control over the class and that doesn't mean that he/she should be very strict. He/she should nurture the ideas of students and let them become free thinkers.

Learning should be made a joyful experience.Classes should be made interactive rather than one way lecture.Lessons should be taught with the help of games or activities.Make them picturise the situation.This can help in understanding the concept better.Tons of homework will not help either.

Teachers should treat every one equally.They should know that every one comes from a different background.They should know about the background of each and every student.Special attention and care should be given to the needy.Teachers should also stress on moral values and personality.Only bookish learning cannot help students achieve great heights.Schools should be a place for infotainment that is  information along with entertainment.This can help in creating a pleasant environment in classroom.

Teachers should be well prepared before taking lectures.The way of teaching also matters a lot.Gestures and actions can help them convey the content better.
I had teachers who inspired me to chase my dreams and some others who wanted me to become a bookworm.Some have very special place in my heart.They guide me when my journey becomes difficult.I call them TEACHERS.

Monday 11 February 2013

A Tribute To The Legend

A Tribute To The Legend

"I have seen god and he bats at No 4 in tests for India."    Mathew Hayden           


Yes!We are talking about the greatest player to have ever played the game.Its none other than Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. Sachin also known as 'little master' is perhaps the most looked at and the most celebrated individual of independent India.He kept chasing his passion for almost two and half decades with atmost dedication and spirit.Records in cricket are there to be broken but only by this great man.His records speaks for itself.

Instead of presenting the great mans biography i would like to highlight some of his extraordinary achievements.

Longest ODI career - 22 years and 91 days (from December 18, 1989 to March 18, 2012) 
Most number of runs - 18,426 
Most hundreds - 49 
Most fifties - 96 
Most matches - 463 
Most balls faced - 21,392 
Most fours - 2,016 (only batsman to hit more than 2,000 boundaries) 
Most runs in World Cup history - 2,278 
Most hundreds in World Cup - 6 
Most fifties in World Cup - 15 
Most runs in a single edition of World Cup - 673 in 11 matches (2003) 
Youngest Indian to make ODI debut - 16 years, 238 days
Most Man-of-the-match awards - 62 
Most Man-of-the-series awards - 15 
Most consecutive ODIs for India - 185 (from April 25, 1990 to April 24, 1998) Most centuries in a calendar year - 9 (1998) 
Fastest to reach 10,000 ODI runs and onwards (11,000 to 18,000)
Most hundreds against one team - 9 Vs Australia Most times in nineties - 18 Joint record holder of most World Cup appearances - 6 (1992 to 2011) Javed Miandad 6 (1975 to 1996) Second highest number of World Cup matches played - 45 (Highest 46 by Ricky Ponting) Involved in most century and above stands - 99

Read more at: http://www.thatscricket.com/news/2012/12/23/sachin-tendulkar-odi-records-list-065558.html


These are some other interesting facts about the little master.

  • India's GDP has grown by 453% since Sachin faced the first ball against Pakistan in Karachi 23 years back
  • 41 crore new Indians have been born during Sachin's long career, taking the country's population to 126 crore, a whopping 48% increase.
  • We were struggling as a nation when he came to power (yes, cricket has became a power in India). Our foreign reserves were at 5.83 billion dollars, Now at 280 billion dollars (become 48 times).
  • Sensex has reached from 1050 to 18600
  • Sachin was the 74th Indian to wear the ODI cap. Now we have 275, added 200 during his career. More than 70% of new additions have already retired.
  • @ World Cups he has been more prolific than anywhere else, his total tally at WCs (2278 RUns) is 30.6% grreater than his closest and arch rival Ricky Ponting (1743 runs). And if you think he has played more, he has played 1 match less than Ponting in WCs. He has also hit 6 centuries and 21 Half tons.
  • Sachin's runs in WCs are more than any other player's (Ok we all know that), but what's mpre exciting is that his runs scored in WCs is greater than runs scored by as many as 8 test playing teams.

Here are some quotes about him by legendary cricketers.

  • When you bowl at him you are not just trying to get him out, you are trying to impress him: Andrew Flintoff
  • Sachin is a genius. I'm a mere mortal: Brian Charles Lara
  • I am fortunate that I've to bowl at him only in the nets: Anil Kumble
  • India me aap Prime Minister ko ek Baar Katghare me khada kar sakte hain..Par Sachin Tendulkar par Ungli nahi utha Sakte..Navjot Singh Sidhu
  • He can play that leg glance with a walking stick also: Waqar Younis
  • Sachin Tendulkar has often reminded me of a veteran army colonel who has many medals on his chest to show how he has conquered bowlers all over the world: Allan Donald
  • There are 2 kind of batsmen in the world. One Sachin Tendulkar. Two all the others: Andy Flower
  • If Sachin plays well...India sleeps well: Harsha Bhogle
  • I would go to bed having nightmares of Sachin dancing down the ground and hitting me for sixes: Shane Warne

 We live in a nation where we consider cricket as religion and Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar as GOD.This is the reason why we consider him as god.Though he retired from one day format ,he will be the inspiration for millions and millions of cricket loving people. This is a small tribute to a person who entertained us for more than 2 decades.He will always be remembered as an extraordinary cricketer and a great human being.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Stop stealing Dreams

-Race to nowhere
-What is wrong with education?
-Stop stealing Dreams
-Education –The change we need
-Knowledge for sale

If students think of education as a burden how will they chase their dreams? This educational system does not teach them what LIFE is? Then what do we mean by education?. I would yearn to live in an era where my son would ask me “papa why is Sunday a holiday for schools ”.So where should we change?

The present educational system makes students bookworms rather than knowledge seekers. They are made to compete among themselves without nurturing what is there in them. Mugging up topics and vomiting in exam paper is just not education. Education should add value to your life. It should be based on the ambitions and aspirations of students rather than the interest of teachers or parents. What is the use of exams when you expect the students to mug up and write the definitions that are given in textbook? You restrict the dreams and aspirations of students to the four walls of a classroom. Then how do you expect the students to grow or develop? Marks are considered to be the benchmarks to success. But are marks actually a criteria to measure a person’s talent? People these days have become so senseless that they send their six year old child to tuition for six subjects. They are put under a lot of pressure which makes them feel education as a burden. Why do they remember even the filmy dialogues but not the laws in physics?. This is where interest matters.How can we make education interesting?
Learning has to be tempered with a lot of innovation. Education should let the student explore his dreams and ideas so that he can choose the path he wants. Its better to go back to the system of gurukul where you don’t have classrooms, you study sitting in the lap of mother nature. You learn through experiments. You don’t have textbooks to mug up. But Education has become a business these days. Its time for us to change. We need to change our traditional educational system  in such a way that education  moulds a student to be a part of the social setup. Liberal education involves interactive learning and providing importance to moral values. Practical knowledge should be given more importance than theoretical  knowledge. Teaching  through games and other fun filled activities will help students picturise the content better. Remember that the development of a nation lies in the hands of the educated youth. Educated youth are being misguided these days. Happenings across the globe emphasizes on the fact that education is a realm for sculpting right attitude with the power of knowledge.
So it is high time that we put our thought in this subject and before I end  I would like to share a famous quote by Nelson Mandela  saying “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.


Do you love watching movies? Do you love reading story books? Probably the answer will be yes. But how many of you love going to schools daily? How many of  you love doing your homework’s regularly? How many of you think that school going is fun? So how can you make learning  a joyful experience? Learn through games, activities and  experiments.  Picturise everything that you see. You will start feeling the difference.


Think ! Think ! Think ! was education  a nightmare for you? If yes think why it was so. If your answer is yes, this is probably not your fault. This traditional education system should undergo a transformation.Learning and teaching trends should change. Education  should fulfill the dreams and aspirations of students. Education should make children dream dream and dream. Education should inject moral values not just bookish knowledge.How can this be done?

Friday 8 February 2013

SMM The Marketing JIGSAW

 SMM The Marketing JIGSAW

Social Media Marketing is a tool for online marketing wherein we use social media to gain attention and web traffic.This is considered as the best marketing mantra by most of the modern entrepreneurs.It motivates people to write contents in social media that attracts more and more viewers or customers.In this Internet era,SMM is considered the cheapest and the most effective way of online marketing.SMM gains importance because corporate messages spread from one user to the other and not via the brand itself.Now having heard about SMM we need to know more about the social media websites and how they help in marketing?

There are lots and lots of social media websites that helps brands promote their products.Some of them are Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Instagram,Google+,LinkedIn,private blogs etc.These sites helps brands create pages of their own.This helps them promote their products by means of videos,articles,pictures and testimonials.People who are interested may follow or share them via these pages.This helps brands spread their identity very fast.Social medias act like the word of mouth.This enables customers to interact with companies and share their views and opinions.Corporates can also narrow down their target audience.

“Effective conversation needs effective listening”. Using Social media companies can know more about customers and their needs.What sought of products and services they are interested in?For customers,it acts like a guide that helps them choose the right product.They get to know more about the company and their products.Know the popularity for a particular brand or product.Now we look at how to gain attention through social media?

In social media including blogs “Content is the King”. Good quality contents help you reach more and more audience.Contents should have catchy headlines and attractive body.The content delivery is more important.Messages can be posted in the form of videos and pictures also.It is said that pictures can convey a thousand words.Videos make people more engaged rather than a long essay.The blogs or pages should be frequently updated and should make customers involved in discussions.Look and feel of the website is also relevant.Use vibrant colours and animations but make sure contents are formal in all respects.Motivating customers may involve contests and challenges with rewards.

Remember that retaining customers is more difficult than finding them.To retain them you should be loyal and trustworthy. SMM includes customer relations management and customer relations marketing. CRM aims at tracking customer needs and retaining them.

SMM also helps in Search engine optimization. SMM is the stepping stone to marketing success.Effectiveness of SMM can be tracked using various web analytic tools that are available in the market.So dont wait anymore use SMM mantra and “Convert Conversations to Cash”.

